
Eaglewood Homeowners

Association Elections

Eaglewood, more formally known as The Eaglewood Association, Inc., is incorporated under the laws of the State of Alaska as a nonprofit, nonstock Corporation. A lawfully elected Board of Directors, elected by the members of the Eaglewood Association, is responsible for ensuring that Eaglewood continues to be a desired neighborhood in which to live.

The Board of Directors consists of five members of the Association. They serve for one, two, or three years, giving members the opportunity to re-elect board members or elect new board members each year.

Who can vote? Members of the Association in good standing are allotted one vote per household. How do I vote? A Notice of Election and a Proxy form are mailed to members of the Association in the month preceding the Annual Meeting and Elections. In person voting takes place at the Annual Meeting which will be held on Monday, May 13th ,2024 at Joy Lutheran Church.

Do I have to attend the meeting to vote? No. You can use your proxy form to assign your vote to another member of the Association or to the Board of Directors.

What is a proxy? A proxy assigns your vote to someone else who votes on your behalf. You can give your proxy to another member of the Association, assign your proxy to the Board of Directors, or use your proxy to obtain a quorum without voting.

What is a quorum? Ten percent (10%) of all eligible voters must participate in order for an Eaglewood election to be lawful.

What happens if a quorum is not achieved? Ideally, a quorum will be reached at the time of the Annual Meeting, but if not, votes must be collected until a quorum is achieved. This means that vacant seats on the Board of Directors cannot be filled until such time as the election is complete.

Early Voting: Early voting is available at the Eaglewood Office from Monday, May 6 through Friday, May 10, 2024,  between the hours of 9:am and 3:pm. Early voting will be open at the Annual Meeting venue, Joy Lutheran Church, located at 10111 E. Eagle River Loop Rd., at 5:pm until the meeting at 6:pm., Monday, May 13, 2024.

Steven Cook

Serving these last two years, first as Secretary/Communications chair and currently as President, has been a learning and challenging experience. Building on the success of the previous board I have worked hard to help guide our board and community in a continuing positive direction. Openness and communication will continue to be a driving goal of my service to the HOA. I am a retired Business/IT teacher, and was a local/state/national advisor for the Career and Technical Student Organization, Business Professionals of America.

My husband and I have been at home in Eaglewood for the past 27 years. Both of us, our children and now our grandchildren, have enjoyed many hours walking our woodland trails which we are so very lucky to have throughout our community.

Kevin Garcia

My name is Kevin Garcia. My career started in construction by running a concrete crew for approximately 10 years. I went back to school for a Civil Engineering degree and am currently a professionally licensed Civil Engineer specializing in roadway design. I am an avid hunter and long-range shooting competitor. My wife and I purchased a home in Eaglewood in 2019. The Eaglewood HOA board has worked hard in the time that I have lived here to turn things around in the neighborhood and I’d like to continue the momentum they have created for the good of the entire community.

Paul Dalleska

My family have been residents of Eaglewood since January of 2018. The quiet woodland setting and well-maintained trail system that initially attracted us have continued to be the center point of why we enjoy living here. While living in Eaglewood we have seen the Board go thru periods of uncertainty and I feel the current Bard has done an excellent job of creating a positive environment surrounding the Association and the Boards activities. I feel that my background in museum and tourist railroad operations settings would be an asset to the board in both day-to-day operations and striking the long-term balance between maintenance and capital projects. Thank you for your consideration.

Laura Friesen

Hi, my family and I have lived in Eaglewood for almost 10 years and love everything it has to offer. I am also a local realtor who loves and appreciates everything Eaglewood has to offer a Buyer and a Seller. I served on the board several years ago and never finished out my term because of personal reasons. I have noticed a big change since I served and I am loving the direction the board is going. I would love the opportunity to serve again and be a part of keeping Eaglewood going on a positive path.

Doug Maxfield

My name is Doug Maxwell and I have been a resident of Eaglewood for 35 years. I chose to buy in Eaglewood because of the quality of homes and the way the neighborhood blended harmoniously with the surrounding valley. Compared to other subdivisions, Eaglewood was the most appealing.

I am a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Technician. I retired after a 35-year career with a major airline in progress positions. My last assignment was Aircraft Maintenance Manager in Alaska for 10 years.

I became Eaglewood’s Operations Manager in 2001 until 2012. My first project, at the request of the Board, was to develop and implement a long-range plan to address short comings and maintain Eaglewood’s infrastructure at reasonable costs into the future. During my tenure we drastically improved all facets of the infrastructure while improving the common areas and maintaining reliable snow plowing.

I am running for the Board because it is my home. In my10 plus years as Operations Manager I feel I could be a good informational resource for the Board. Also, I believe the homeowners who pay the freight by paying their dues should be treated with respect and are entitled to expect the best value and necessary usage of their dues. I believe the complexion of Eaglewood, the things that make Eaglewood a special place, should be maintained and preserved.

Susan Mcdonald
Tracy McMuffin

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